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Meditation, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Awakening
~ Tara Brach

Jul 27, 2013

2013-07-24 - Three Gestures of Love - If we inquire "what is between me and presence" we usually find we've been caught inside a limiting story of self, contracted by wants and fears. This talk explores a simple yet powerful way of arousing loving presence and dissolving the narrow identification that keeps us from...

Jul 27, 2013

2013-07-24 - Guided Meditation: A Listening, Receptive Presence

Jul 27, 2013

2010-10-13 - Introducción a la Meditación Parte 1: El Arte y Ciencia de la Meditación
La primera sesión define la meditación y describe las enseñanzas budistas que le dan contexto al camino de la practica. Exploramos las dos formas básicas de meditación - concentración y conciencia plena - y luego nos enfocamos...

Jul 20, 2013

2013-07-17 - Absolute Cooperation with the Inevitable - This talk addresses common misunderstandings about acceptance (allowing, "letting be") and explores the challenges and blessings of opening to the raw emotions that we habitually avoid. Please support this podcast by donating at or

Jul 20, 2013

2013-07-17 - Guided Meditation: Letting Life Be, Just As It Is