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Meditation, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Awakening
~ Tara Brach

May 30, 2016

Morning Question and Response from Retreat (2016-05-09) - Tara responds to questions on deepening our meditation practice, working with unpleasant and pleasant thoughts, and forgiveness.

Free download of Tara’s 10 min meditation: “Mindful Breathing: Finding Calm and Ease” when you join her...

May 28, 2016

Happy for No Reason - Part 2 (2016-05-25) - These two talks explore the two different kinds of happiness, the blocks to happiness, and the ways that mindful presence and intentional gladdening the heart (positive neuroplasticity) can open us to our full potential for true happiness.

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May 26, 2016

Meditation: Living Presence with Body Scan (2016-05-25) - A key pathway to full presence is awakening through the body. This meditation guides us through a body scan, relaxing and receiving the play of sensations. We then deepen attention to the breath, and rest with the rhythmic waves of breathing, experiencing...

May 21, 2016

Happy for No Reason - Part 1 (2016-05-18) - These two talks explore the two different kinds of happiness, the blocks to happiness, and the ways that mindful presence and intentional gladdening the heart (positive neuroplasticity) can open us to our full potential for true happiness.

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May 19, 2016

Meditation: Letting Life Live through You (2016-05-18) - This meditation awakens the senses and then guides us into the wakeful openness that includes the whole play of sensations, feelings and sound. We become fully awake and alive as we open to the awareness that allows life to live through us.

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