Aug 31, 2017
Meditation: Present Heartspace - This meditation establishes an embodied presence with the gentleness of a smile-down scan, then opens us to the heartspace that includes the changing waves of experience. It ends with a short lovingkindness meditation that offers prayers for relief of the current great suffering...
Aug 25, 2017
Darkness of the Womb – Four Key Steps in Transforming Suffering (from 2017-01-25) - We can either repeat old fear based patterns, or our suffering can awaken us to a deeper wisdom and greater love. This talk explores four principles in relating to difficulty that move us towards healing and freedom—both personally...
Aug 24, 2017
30-Minute Meditation: Open Awareness - Relaxing Back into Presence - This practice brings attention to the continuous space within and around the body, and the aliveness of sound, sensation and feeling that lives through us. While it’s natural for attention to get distracted, the pathway home is a relaxing back into...
Aug 19, 2017
True Resilience - Pt1 - Awakening through All Circumstances (2017-08-16) - Spiritual resilience enables us to deepen compassion and wisdom as we navigate life’s difficulties. In this two part series, we will look at the conditions that incline us towards or away from True Resilience, and explore practical and...
Aug 17, 2017
Meditation: Filling our Body with Love (2017-08-16) - When we are fully awake, love shines through our entire body and being. This meditation awakens that embodied love through the image and felt sense of the smile, scanning through the body, resting in loving presence and offering loving prayer.
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