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Meditation, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Awakening
~ Tara Brach

Jun 20, 2014

Communicating our vulnerability and learning to listen - seeking to understand another’s experience - are the keys to discovering the truth of our connectedness. This talk explores the challenges and gifts of dedicating ourselves to becoming more real, present and open in our relationships.

Jun 20, 2014

2014-06-18 Meditation: Resting as Awareness

Jun 13, 2014

2014-06-11 - Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life - How you live today is how you live your life. This talk explores different meditative practices and teachings that help us reconnect with and nurture presence in the midst of the array of daily stressors.

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Jun 13, 2014

2014-06-11 - Guided Meditation: Stand Still (standing meditation instructions)

Jun 6, 2014

2014-06-04 - Awakening from Virtual Reality - This talk looks at the power our virtual reality of thoughts can hold over our lives. We then explore how bringing mindful awareness to thinking enables us to heal historical wounding and discover who we are beyond the self-story in our mind. We don’t have to believe our...