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Meditation, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Awakening
~ Tara Brach

Apr 27, 2018

Responding to Change with a Wise Heart (2018-04-25) - An intrinsic part of spiritual life is facing the truth of impermanence. When we open to the changing flow without resistance, we naturally cherish this passing life, and realize the timeless, changeless awareness that is our true home. Yet we are conditioned to...

Apr 26, 2018

Meditation: Cultivating a Clear and Relaxed Presence (2018-04-25) - This guided meditation begins with a calming breath to quiet the mind and relax the body. Following this, we establish our presence with an anchor - the breath, sound or sensation - and practice “coming back” from distractions, and including...

Apr 20, 2018

Listening with an Awake Heart - Part 2 (2018-04-18) - Deep listening - to our inner life, each other and our world - is an intrinsic expression of our awakened heart. Yet because we have strong conditioning to be caught in wants and fears, there is often much interference in the field of communications. These two...

Apr 19, 2018

Meditation: Mind Like a Vast Sky (2018-04-18) - This meditation opens with listening and discovering the sky-like awareness that includes changing sounds, thoughts, feelings and sensations. The sounding of bells and chimes assists in connecting to and resting in the boundless and loving awareness that is our true...

Apr 13, 2018

Listening with an Awake Heart - Part 1 (2018-04-11) - Deep listening - to our inner life, each other and our world - is an intrinsic expression of our awakened heart. Yet because we have strong conditioning to be caught in wants and fears, there is often much interference in the field of communications. These two...