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Meditation, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Awakening
~ Tara Brach

Jun 25, 2015

Part 1: Devotional Practices (2015-06-24) - The sacred feminine expresses the realization of our belonging, our innate interdependence with all of life. These two classes explores inner practices that help us open to our longing to belong, and awaken the power of prayer. 

Jun 19, 2015

Beloved Community (2015-06-17) - Martin Luther King’s term, “Beloved Community,” points to our potential for living together with love, justice and respect. This talk explores the often hidden expressions of racism that fuel separation and violence, and pathways toward healing and freeing our collective...

Jun 19, 2015

Meditation: Relaxing Open into Full Presence (2015-06-17) - Please support this podcast by donating at Your donations allow us to continue to freely offer the teachings!

Jun 14, 2015

Part 2: Beyond the Fear Body (2015-06-10) - A central part of spiritual awakening is recognizing and befriending fear, and in the tender intensity of fear, discovering the awakened heart.  In these two talks we explore the suffering of becoming identified with the fear body, and the skillful means that enable a full...

Jun 14, 2015

Meditation: Resting in Knowing (2015-06-10)