Sep 26, 2014
Awakening from the Landlocked Self - The Buddha taught that our suffering arises from forgetting who we are. This talk explores the trance of identifying as Somebody, and the compassionate witnessing that allows us to discover the freedom of our natural being.
Sep 18, 2014
2014-09-18 - Earth’s Crisis - On the Edge of the Roof - This talk views the ecological dis-ease of our planet through the lens of our evolutionary unfolding. We explore the egoic trance that has precipitated the destruction of our environment, and the inner practices of presence that enable us to respond from love...
Sep 13, 2014
2013-10-14 - Satsang - Peace is this Moment - Evening of question/response with Tara after a meditation on Dorothy Hunt's poem, "Peace is Moment Without Judgment."